Warranty and complaints

  1. Goods offered in the online store are covered by the manufacturer's warranty and supplied with the appropriate warranty cards. Warranty card can also be a sales document (invoice or receipt) marked with serial numbers of parts (if the manufacturer put them on the product).
  2. In case of complaint, please contact the retailer or service, if his address was given on the warranty card. The basis for initiating complaints procedure in the case of users who are not consumers, the warranty card, invoice, or receipt that user receives together with the ordered goods.
  3. The faulty goods are sent at the expense of the Buyer, unless otherwise agreed with the Seller.
  4. Seller (SOTE) has 14 days to answer the complaint made by the user, and make it electronically (e-mail), writing (letter) or by phone.
  5. In the complaint the seller based on the opinions and decisions manufacturer.
  6. If the claim is recognized by the manufacturer of the exchange, repair of damaged goods, or will be reimbursed the amount of the value of the purchased goods.
  7. In case of complaint, please contact Customer Service or with an appropriate service if his address was given on the warranty card. The basis for initiating complaints procedure in the case of users who are not consumers, the warranty card or invoice, that user receives together with the ordered goods.
    If along with the goods will not be sent a claim form filled in and submitted proof of purchase (invoice, receipt) claim is not recognized.

Protocol return the goods to the complaint - Click here to download.

Remember! Along with the goods send supplemented protocol return the goods to the complaint and attach a copy of proof of purchase (invoice or receipt).

Discount on the first purchases -5%